Institute of Biosensory Psychology
Institute of Biosensory Psychology, St.Petersburg, Russia operates in St. Petersburg since 1993.
Our full name — Private educational Institution of additional professional education “Institute of Biosensory Psychology”. The Institute offers additional professional education in the field of applied psychology. Any person over 18 years old is welcome to learn how to develop his extrasensory skills, including increased sensitivity and perception as well as memory, attention, thinking, speech, feelings, and will.
We do not adhere to an academic calendar as most universities do. You can attend classes and seminars or courses of various levels and focuses. You are allowed to choose which courses to attend, but we recommend starting from the General Course. We teach all year round, without summer break. We do not provide boarding. If you attend multi-day classes at the Institute’s Country Center, then you would be allowed to stay on premises.
Main functions
- At seminars and courses people study how to develop their natural biosensory abilities. The term “biosensory” consists of two words: “bio” – life, and “sense” – feeling. Teachers of the Institute teach people to develop abilities that make them a living sentient being: perception, sensitivity, thinking. They implement this development in applied fields: extrasensory practices and healing, and help a person to use the acquired skills in his personal life, work and business.
- We provide professional professional education for Russian and foreign specialists in the field of biosensory psychology and healing. If you are already working with people in this field, we advance your qualifications.
- We scientifically explore, develop and promote these areas of study in Russia and abroad.
- We organize and administer scientific and practical conferences on issues of biosensorics, healing and energy-information exchange. During our conferences participants listen to the speeches of physicists, mathematicians, physicians, psychologists, chemists and healers who explore the human consciousness.
- We participate in the legislative process on the establishment and improvement of the regulatory and legal framework governing the healing.
- We facilitate the implementation and enhancements of the issuance of licenses in this area.
What you will get as a result of training
- Self-regulation
- You will learn to regulate the psycho-bio-energy state of yourself and others. You will improve your condition, relieve pain and stress, eliminate any illnesses, and alter your state in accordance with the demands of the situation: workplace overload or a public appearance, job interview or conducting an important meeting, a first date or a corporate event.
- Development
- You can launch an internal cascading process of personal, spiritual and mental development. You can become more: attentive, accurate, purposeful, truthful and receptive, open and more sensitive. You will increase your willpower which will in turn enhance your physical and mental strength to fulfill your dreams. We do not create superheroes, we do help you to become more humane.
- Abilities
- You will be able to access the natural abilities of your body, which are mistakenly considered mystical or miraculous. You will learn telekinesis — you will be able to move small objects without any contact. Out-of-body experiences, a vision of your thoughts, telepathy — will all become accessible during deep immersion in class.
- Perception
- You will reach a new level of self-awareness and a healthy existence. The causes and consequences of what is happening to you will become clear. You will stop feeling like a twig, dragged, twisted and thrown by the river of life. Your own will and aspiration will lead you to a clear goal.
Who will benefit from the training
We are ready to train people who are interested in knowledge and practical skills in the field:
- extrasensory,
- healing,
- magic art,
- superconscious,
- parapsychology
- and other transcendental areas in terms of habitual perception.
We are waiting for specialists who work in these fields.
Come, if you are a teacher, a physicist, a mathematician, an engineer or a policeman. You will be able to apply our skills in any profession.
The kind of documents we issue
We teach with the issuance of documents on education and without them.
Without issuing documents on education, you can attend short-term courses, one-time and additional classes, seminars, educational meetings.
Participants of long courses after the final certification are issued a certificate of education – Diploma of professional retraining with the appropriation of a “psychologist” qualification.
The normative term of the diploma is 740 hours.
According to the Russian legislation on additional vocational education, we issue diplomas to those who have higher or secondary vocational education.
The level of our education
We provide a high level of education. The founder, the permanent leader and the main specialist of the Institute is Vladimir Viktorovich Tonkov. All teachers undergo many years of practice and know the subject from the first hand.
The Institute has rules for teaching that differ from the usual requirements in the existing education system. Such rules are mandatory for the successful development of programs and the acquisition of high qualifications as a result.
Which training option to choose
For newbies
- Online-course “Basics of Biosensory Practices”
- Online-marathon on biosensory breath
- Online-marathon “Practical training of telekinesis”
For advanced
- An advanced online-course “Biosensory healing”
- Online-course “Biosensory Breathing with Evgeniy Musin”
- Two days online-seminar “Practical methods of bioenergy correction and self-restoration”
- Biosensory Studies: russian-english audio-course
For those who want to study telekinesis
- Online-marathon “Practical training of telekinesis”
- Individual online-lessons “Practical skills of telekinesis”
For businessmen
- Multi-day courses with accommodation in The Retreat-Centre for businessmen, managers and entrepreneurs
For those who want to come to St. Petersburg (Russia)
For those who can’t come to the Institute but want to participate in a seminar
If you do not live in St. Petersburg and want the teachers of the IBP to hold a seminar or course in your city, we can organize it. Gather a group of interested participants and coordinate with our management the time, price and other details. You can order a seminar on a specific topic and ask for a specific teacher to come.
For those who want individually studies
If you want to study individually, you can discuss this option with the leaders of the Institute. Individual training can be remotely on-line or in face-to-face meetings. The program, cost and terms are discussed specifically for you depending on your interests and needs.
How we made a world record
In 2008, the Institute of Biosensory Psychology under the authorship of Vladimir Tonkov established the world record “The largest community of people, trained telekinesis skills (contactless movement of objects) in the shortest possible time”. It is registered in the “Russian Book of Records and Achievements”, the unit of the Guinness Book of Records.
The legal framework for our activities
The Institute has a state license for the right to conduct educational activities series 78LO2 No. 0001021, issued on August 25, 2016 by the Education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, registration number 2086.
Where the classes are conducted
- The premises of the Institute in St. Petersburg at ul. Kievskaya, house 3.
- The Country Centre of the Institute in the village of Mukholovka, Lomonosov District, Leningrad Region.
For participation in training, please contact the administrator of the Institute by phone +7 812 679-01-00, WhatsApp +7 812 679-01-00