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Institute of Biosensory Psychology

We provide additional education in practical psychology. We conduct psychological courses for managers and entrepreneurs. Any person over the age of 18 will be trained in extrasensory studies, telekinesis, clairvoyance, healing and self-healing. Training is possible with both personal presence and online.
English-language materials are all translations done by volunteers with a different level of English and translation experience. All materials are presented ‘as is’ and may or may not be revised or edited in the future.

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Individual online-lessons “Practical skills of telekinesis”

Place: online

Date: at any time

Leading: Evgeniy Musin — teacher of the Institute of biosensory psychology, telekinesis trainer

Price: 7000 rubles.

For information call. +7 (812) 679-01-00, e-mail: [email protected]

7000 rubles
Individual online lessons "Practical skills of telekinesis"

Telekinesis is the non-contact manipulation of objects. The phenomenon of teaching skills of telekinesis under V. Tonkov is documented in the book of the International Agency for Records and Achievements Russia. Records and Achievements 2008 in the nomination of “The largest community of people taught the skills of telekinesis in the shortest period of time.”

New special approach

Participants of the seminar are invited to fulfil their childhood dream – to learn how to create miracles with their own hands. We will teach you to turn without contact the light suspensions inside glass flasks. Anyone can do it. Our approaches are unique, based on a careful attitude to the surrounding world and a deep correspondence to one’s own nature. Therefore, the effect of telekinesis occurs without tension and fatigue.

The unique system of extrasensory perception training and development has been worked out at the Institute, which brings on an avalanche-like process of development of inner reserve body and psychic abilities, starting from the very first practical session. The training results in deep physical and psychic health improvement, development of intuition and routine self-organization, as well as the ability to overcome crisis situations.

Practical results and skills

By the end of the seminar, participants will gain the abilities to influence small objects without contact from a distance.

In combination with learning the non-contact effects on objects, you will get skills of self-improvement, regulation of well-being, psyche and mood. The result is an increase in success in personal relationships and work.

Cost: 7 000 rubles (≈ 100 USD).

Duration: 2 classes of 2 hours.

How to prepare for a telekinesis seminar

Telekinesis at the Institute of Biosensory Psychology

Telekinesis demonstration

Telekinesis demonstration

Telekinesis demonstration


  1. Hello sir this is jagadish from India. I am making a Documentry on telekinesis. I am very glad to send this message to your university. I am very happy about that
    finally i come to know that there is a telekinesis studying course in the russia. There is one small request from my side, can i show about your university name in my documentry and can i use your youtube videos in my documentry to convey to my indian people importance evidence of telekinesis exists.
    Thank you sir.
    I hope i will get the permisssion to use the video

  2. Thank you so much, sir, for your response. I am very glad about that. Sir can I get an online interview of telekinesis trainer, pls because it helps me a lot
    I hope that I get permission
    Thank you sir,