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Institute of Biosensory Psychology

We provide additional education in practical psychology. We conduct psychological courses for managers and entrepreneurs. Any person over the age of 18 will be trained in extrasensory studies, telekinesis, clairvoyance, healing and self-healing. Training is possible with both personal presence and online.
English-language materials are all translations done by volunteers with a different level of English and translation experience. All materials are presented ‘as is’ and may or may not be revised or edited in the future.

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Energy and the energy carrier

Author: Vladimir Tonkov

Date: 20.02.2010


Translated from Russian by Ivan Gesse and Dinara Yaburova

Energy as a real factor of ‘miracle making’
There are several uses of the notion of ‘energy’. All these uses are rather similar, but in certain instances there are some distinctive features.

More often these peculiarities have to do with concrete people who try to use this word for a bit mistaken or as a “somewhat stretched” designation of thoughts, phenomena and simply events understandable only to themselves.

According to the academician scientific physics, energy is a possibility to commit an act: an electrical one by the use of electrical appliances, a mechanical one by the use of mechanisms and so on.
Contemporary sort of magic, occultism, shamanism, witchcraft, sorcery, spirit fighting and spirit searching accepted for its aims not only ancient occult and esoteric designations, but also a certain amount of contemporary ones.

Among other notions, a scientific-physical notion of ‘energy’ was accepted as an extremely comfortable one for concealing a great amount of misunderstandings and assumptions that initially surrounded the realm of psycho-energy-informational exchanges by its aureole of mystery.

As for the contemporary “miracle worker’s” understanding, energy is a certain palpable “substance” using which he can perform a number of active deeds causing a controlled effect that he needs. To implement the acts themselves, various technical mechanisms can be used:

– of magic:

– ‘descriptive’: geometrical, alphabetical, numerical, symbolical-mixed and so on, including all drawn symbols;

– ‘figurative’; portrait involtational, shape and sculpture involtational, sound involtational (involtation is magician’s influence over a special channel of implicitly expressed property at a distance) and so on, including portraiture and sculpting art;

– ‘sound vibrational’: vocal, sound instrumental, nature sound, sound synthetical and so on, including music and motet;

– ‘bio-organic’: animal, animal-tissue, plant, secretory, ferment and so on, including biochemistry and certain elements of alchemy;

– ‘mineral’: shape-mineral, structure-mineral, mineral-transforming and so on, including metallurgy;

– ‘geographical’: topographic (using natural and manufactured objects at the site and using their location), relief (using natural reliefs of the locale);

– ‘cosmogonical’: planetary, star, time of year and day, including weather;

– ‘instrumental’: using more or less complicated instruments or devices, including state-of-the-art of contemporary physics and technologies as the more developed means of early magic;

– other types not listed here for various reasons.

– of sorcery:

– ‘descriptive’: geometrical, alphabetical, numerical, symbolical-mixed and so on, including all drawn symbols, except for technical ones;

– ‘figurative’: portrait involtational, shape and sculpture involtational, sound- involtational (involtation is sorcerer’s influence over a special channel of implicitly expressed property at a distance) and so on, excluding portraiture and sculpting art as means of technical progress;
‘sound vibrational’: vocal, sound-instrumental, nature sound, sound synthetical and so on, including music and motet, except for technical sound synthesis and sound reproduction means;

– ‘bio-organic’: animal (biological), animal tissue, plant and agricultural , secretory, ferment and so on, including biochemistry and some elements of alchemy;

– ‘mineral’: shape-mineral, structure-mineral, mineral-transforming and so on, except for metallurgy;

– ‘geographical’: topographic (using natural objects at the site and using their location), relief (using natural reliefs of the locale) excluding artificial technical objects;

– ‘cosmogonical’: planetary, star, time of year and day, including weather;

– ‘instrumental’: using household and everyday life objects, except for means of advanced industrial and scientific technologies;

– other types not listed here for various reasons.

Undoubtedly, we should understand that the division into such methods and mechanisms as ‘magic’ and ‘sorcery’ is rather relative, and this list itself goes beyond these two schemes.

And from the list above it is necessary for us to comprehend that the classical magician is as a rule an adherent of technical means: ‘object’ or ‘technological’, and the classical sorcerer – of natural ones, in other words historically and naturally existing in the surrounding environment.

Exactly here a serious contradiction between scientific and occult notions of energy exists: according to physics, the occultist’s ‘energy’ is sooner an ‘energy carrier’, or in other words it is sooner something possessing energy rather than ‘energy’ itself as such.

In a similar manner: firewood, crude oil, coal and natural gas are ‘energy carriers’, or in other words it is that which can give necessary ‘energy’, but they are not ‘energy’ themselves.

Thus, we should clarify that the popular occult use of the physics term of ‘energy’ in reality includes two notions:

– ‘energy carrier’ as a special form or forms of matter that can be observed and perceived;

– ‘energy’ as the ability of this energy carrier to be spent in certain ways in the course of performing work or acts.


– ‘energy’ is a concealed principle of operation, which is not itself an independent substance, but the reason of the work taking place through consumption (more accurately – processing and modification) of this substance. Energy cannot be directly seen, felt, perceived and registered with devices (only indirectly by the change of properties of the measuring device’s active elements that react to the ‘energy’).

– ‘energy carrier’ is a matter or substance capable of fundamental modification as a result of which the possibility of using the new substance of a new quality appears. Energy carrier can be seen, perceived and registered, but may also be incapable of being registered because of the human lack of these capabilities either directly or due to underdeveloped research equipment. The nature of energy and its presence in the energy carrier is only a question of possibility of a fundamental change of the energy carrier substance and engaging the new substance form into work.

The energy carrier. Energy content and information content as the energy carrier’s functions.

Now, when a number of notions have become clearer and acquired accurate forms and the terms have acquired a certain order, we can make the next step and introduce one more form completing the general picture:

– only the ‘energy carrier’ actually exists. Any substance that has any form of a state of matter – solid, liquid, gaseous, plasmous or some other one which today does not have a name, can be included into this notion.

– the ‘energy carrier’ has two ‘form-functions’ of self-expression: energetic and informational. This self-expression depends on the condition toward which the ‘substance – energy carrier’ is moving in its changes: in a crystallizing processes the information content increases, in decrystalizing or reverse ones the energy content increases.

As a conventional and perhaps even a limited example, we can use an analogy such as the following:

– as an ‘energy carrier’ we have diesel fuel for example.

– when the temperature is lowered, the fuel thickens and we have a blob from which we make a sculpture. The sculpture has a form satiated with informational content – that is what sculptures are made for, and this form is preserved until a certain moment in time.

– when the temperature is raised, the condition of the fuel changes, taking on a liquid-like form, and the form being the expression of informational content is lost, while creating certain properties of energy content. We can have doubts as to what energy content consists of. Think about this yourself, because as it was mentioned above, the nature of energy and its presence in the energy carrier is only a question of possibility of fundamental change of the energy carrier matter and engaging the new substance form into work.

It is worthwhile to clarify something here: we shouldn’t stop at merely a single example and we need to understand that the ‘information content’ as a quality is nothing more than a set of certain requirements from our side in respect to the substance; and that which was measured in cubic meters yesterday could today be measured in something else, for example, in megabytes. Therefore, ‘information content’ is a rather relative concept and depends largely on the requirements that we personally place on it.

It is however a different matter with ‘energy’, although here too undoubtedly a sign of our prejudice is present. The prejudice consists of the fact that we often refuse to acknowledge the fact that energy in ‘this type of matter’ is already included in principle and it is only we who are unable to retrieve it. For example, a modern scientist will sit over a pile of dry firewood and lament over the absence of matches, yet his ancestor under a nearby palm tree will produce fire using friction. So you see it is experience and a bit of effective muscle work.

The contemporary ‘wizard – magician – shaman – sorcerer – enlightened – spirit fighter – believer – psychic’ or in other words a ‘sensologist’ in his practical work deals with special, extremely ‘fine’ types of ‘substance – energy carrier’. He uses various approaches and methods for achieving the effect of satiating with these substances, and it does not matter what he calls it: ‘celestial mana’ or Christian ‘divine grace’, Indian ‘prana’, or Chinese ‘tsi’ or ‘chi’, Russian ‘force’ or ‘energy’ – in every case what stands behind it is a certain ‘it’, a special form or forms of ‘energy carrier’, capable of giving our organism a peculiar, though after all inherently present quality of miraculous nature.

A little dictionary

Sensology is a newly designated area of practical science activity, studying the properties of the surrounding world and potential abilities of live beings, while mainly using their sensitivity peculiarities. Among such potential capabilities are the abilities of any form of perception. In other words and briefly it is the science of perception. In evident and latent forms of its display.

Bioenergy information studies here is a special form of naming one of the areas of sensology. The main elements which can be used to form the names for the areas can be designated as the following:
– bio – indicating the direct presence of that certain ‘bio-ethereal component’ described above, either within the process or in its direct application.

– psycho – showing the presence of the highest forms of interpretational processes (mentality), characteristic of protein-nucleus forms of thinking matter and other accompanying properties of non-protein property from the area of information content.

– sense – indicating the sensing, perceiving and reacting or reflexing side of properties of protein-nucleus forms of thinking matter and accompanying qualities of non-protein property.

– energy – indicating properties inherent of protein-nucleus and other forms of matter, namely the properties of putting forth effort toward restructuring and transformation of the surrounding layers of material substances for the purpose of extracting their special latent quality – that of energy content.

– info – indicating that the process has an informational, that is a content-and-descriptive portion, which gives the opportunity either to presume or to accurately determine the inclination of objective substances toward transformations.

Therefore, we can now rather easily and comprehensibly classify and distribute the areas of para-healing practices, as well as those other than para-healing:

– bio-sense (bio-sent) – para-healer who accents his abilities in the area of feeling bio-ethereal constituents and the systems that generate them,

– energy-sense – a certain subject practicing methods of direct perception (sense) and control over fine or simply ‘other’ (field) matters – energy carriers which exist in the surrounding space,

– energy-informator – somebody who researches energy-informational exchanges in the environment. To indicate that this ‘somebody’ has interest in the sphere of para-healing, the prefix ‘bio’ needs to be added,

– psycho-informator – a specialist in the sphere of informational psycho-technologies. If more briefly and clearly – a psychic-coder who deals with encoding or decoding the consciousness. Bringing up the ethical side of this process here and now is unsuitable and senseless,

– psycho-sense – a professional whose activity is based on the direct perception of psychical processes in the form of more or less clear (select) information.

– other…

Magic – here: a special form of sensological influence and interaction with the surrounding environment or the beings inhabiting it, which takes root in ancient times yet is practiced today as well; it involves a whole complex of interactions: from psychological, hypnotical or chemical-physical to hidden forms of higher energy exchanges and cold bio-nuclear reactions. It differs from sorcery and similar processes by the aspiration toward a certain scientific approach and construction of rigid logically arranged sequences of actions.

Occultism – here: a broad sphere of descriptive literature on the various sides of so-called occult sciences, occult phenomena and people famous for their occult activity. In the narrow sense it concerns religions, sects and beliefs, and in the broader sense – everything that goes beyond ordinary perception. Occultism is not a science or an art, but rather a wide sphere of literature of a descriptive nature.

Sorcery – here: similar to magic, a special form of sensological influence and interaction with the surrounding environment or the beings inhabiting it, which takes root in ancient times; it involves a whole complex of interactions: from psychological, hypnotical or chemical-physical to hidden forms of higher energy exchanges and cold bio-nuclear reactions. It is different from magic in that the grounds for interaction between the subject of studies and its participant – the sorcerer: intuition is higher up in sorcery than in magic. Moreover, a sorcerer more often and more effectively uses his personal sensitive and energy-transforming capabilities.

Witchcraft – here: one of the broad forms of sorcery activity, which is mostly displayed in comprehending the meaning and essence of specifically one’s own latent natural biological capabilities: special forms of perception and transference of consciousness.

Shamanism – here: a special culture of sorcery as conditioned by national peculiarities. In contrast to the evident sorcery, heavy physical activity such as long dances and use of intoxicating substances are seen more frequently.

Spirit fighting – here: a special form of psychical and physical trainings which become a way of life that finally allows obtaining qualities of controlled psychical reaction. The aim of the subject as such is a deliverance from inner psychological and physical bustle and bringing on a general effective balance.

Spirit-searching – here: a form of controlled sensological self-exploration for the purpose of searching for central zones of self-consciousness and self-identification, i.e. clarifying what the person searching represents in the universal meaning of his existence. According to the classical canons, the result of spirit-searching is ‘enlightenment’, meaning a special inner feeling of your destiny, existence, life in the super-cosmic meaning. Tangled but accurate.

Informational-psychical overload – here: possible escalated fatigability of a person reading due to the complexity of the material being perceived. Overloads can be rather easy and safe, but can also have consequences – in the case of a slighting attitude towards recommendations.

Phenomenon – here: an event of special quality that attracts by the fact that it is something uncommon, out of the ordinary and out of place. More often this notion is used for events distinguished against a general backdrop or their materialized consequences, but in isolated cases this notion can likewise mean objects of discussion that are common, yet at the same time particularly marked out.
Academic scientific physics – here: the area of physics that applies not to the research portion of science, but to the portion that deals with education of students in college and school. There are rather deep differences between scientists-teachers and scientists-practitioners, because teachers sooner use interpretations of facts and truths and do not understand the full depth and essential content of the subject. Today one could easily hear a teacher professor cussing at the subjects which have been unequivocally proven by scientists-practitioners. This holds true for bio-energy-informational exchange as a scientific discipline.

Concealed principle of operation – here: meaning that is expressed in the operation of a mechanism, event or organism, but which itself is not a materialized subject. An absolutely immaterial meaning of inner logic of actions.

Substance – here: one of the names of a matter. Used by physicists to designate matters in cases when descriptions of matter are either difficult to describe or not important to mention.

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